
CNA.BreakingnewsinSingaporeandAsia,topstoriesfromaroundtheworld;business,sport,lifestyle,technology,healthandcommentarysections.,TheofficialspaceofCNA-thesourceofbreakingnewsfromAsiaandtheworld.Sendnewstipsto,CNA(stylisedascna),whichisaninitialismderivedfromitspreviousname,ChannelNewsAsia,isaSingaporemultinationalnewschannelownedbyMediacorp ...,CNA.BreakingnewsinSingapo...

Breaking News, Singapore News, World and Asia

CNA. Breaking news in Singapore and Asia, top stories from around the world; business, sport, lifestyle, technology, health and commentary sections.

CNA (@ChannelNewsAsia) X

The official space of CNA - the source of breaking news from Asia and the world. Send news tips to

CNA (TV network)

CNA (stylised as cna), which is an initialism derived from its previous name, Channel NewsAsia, is a Singapore multinational news channel owned by Mediacorp ...


CNA. Breaking news in Singapore and Asia, top stories from around the world; business, sport, lifestyle, technology, health and commentary sections.


亞洲新聞台(英語:CNA,原名為Channel NewsAsia)是位於新加坡以報導亞太新聞為主的電視頻道,1999年3月1日開播,由新傳媒私人有限公司(Mediacorp)全資擁有,覆蓋 ...

就是節目表 Channel NewsAsia頻道

Who Cares About Polar Bears?(普). 22:00. Singapore Tonight(普). 23:00. Headline News(普). 23:02. Insight(普). 2024-02-24(五). 00:00. World Tonight(普).